All-On-4 Plus® | Does All On 4 Plus® have a clinic in South Australia?

Does All On 4 Plus® have a clinic in South Australia?

Unfortunately, this service is not currently available in South Australia due to regulations regarding anaesthetic procedures in an outpatient setting in that state.

The All On 4 Plus® treatment with Immediate Final Teeth™ is a revolutionary dental implant solution that offers a full arch of permanent replacement teeth in just one day. Unfortunately this service is not available in South Australia due to regulations regarding anaesthetic procedures in an outpatient setting in that state.

South Australia has different regulations compared to other states in Australia when it comes to anaesthetic procedures in an outpatient setting. These regulations do not allow for the procedures that are required for the All On 4 Plus® treatment to be performed in an efficient manner according to our unique systems. This means that in order to provide the highest level of care for our patients, we are unable to offer this treatment in South Australia at this time.

However, we are actively monitoring the regulatory landscape in South Australia and we hope that changes may be made in the future to align with the rest of Australia. This will allow us to bring the All On 4 Plus® treatment to South Australia and provide patients with access to this revolutionary solution.

In the meantime, we understand that this may be disappointing news for South Australian residents who are interested in the All On 4 Plus® treatment. However, we have several licensed preferred providers located in Melbourne, Ballarat and Sydney who are able to offer this treatment to patients.

If you are located in South Australia, you can still access the All On 4 Plus® treatment by travelling to one of these locations. We can arrange for a consultation with you via zoom if you are able to provide us with a CBCT scans of your jaws, which you can obtain from your local dentist who may need to refer you to a radiology clinic. If you attend the consultation in person, all of our clinics have CBCT scanning facilities. Either way we can provide you with a quote and all the relevant information regarding the treatment.

Once you book your surgery, the entire treatment and final teeth fitting can typically be done within 24-72 hours of your implant surgery. We understand that travelling for a dental treatment can seem daunting, but we are here to help. Our team can assist with coordinating the entire process, including accommodation, to make the experience as seamless as possible.

We believe that the All On 4 Plus® treatment with Immediate Final Teeth™ may often be a life-changing solution for those who are missing one or more teeth, or are struggling with ill-fitting dentures. The treatment offers a permanent solution that provides patients with full arch of replacement teeth in just one day. The final teeth are custom-made to fit the patients specific requirements, providing them with a beautiful smile and a functional set of teeth.

Our licensed preferred providers use the latest technology and techniques to ensure that our patients receive the highest level of care and safety. Our team of dental professionals are dedicated to providing a personalised and comfortable experience for every patient.

In conclusion, the All On 4 Plus® treatment with Immediate Final Teeth™ is currently not available in South Australia due to regulations regarding anaesthetic procedures in an outpatient setting. However, we are actively monitoring the regulatory landscape and hope to bring this treatment to South Australia in the future. In the meantime, South Australian residents can still access this treatment by travelling to one of our licensed preferred providers in Melbourne, Ballarat or Sydney. Our team is here to assist you with the entire process and ensure that our patients receive the highest level of care and safety and can fly home with their new smile.

Book your consultation today by clicking here.

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